Sunday, 4 December 2011

closing thoughts and new beginnings

This blog post has been the hardest one to write yet. How am I supposed to sum up my last three months? What words could possibly do justice to explain my feelings towards Africa and all I have seen and experienced?

It’s one of those things that you can’t quite put to words, every time I think about it I find myself in awe. I have only been away for 13 days and it already seems so surreal.
Since being in Florida I have had time to reflect on these last few months and how crazy they have been. The other day I realized that by this one decision to go on this trip my life has completely changed. Not just for a couple months, or a couple years for that matter. No, this experience has changed my whole life. This has not been just a trip for me, for me it marks the beginning. The beginning of my mission work in third world countries? Yes definitely. But its more than that…it’s the beginning of what I want my life to be devoted to. Helping people. Whether its doing the dishes, to listening to a friend, to going to Africa, every little bit helps.
I realized something while being in Florida. I realized how easy it is to get comfortable in life and how when you get in that comfort zone how it can be so hard to get out of it. deciding to go to Africa instead of University was a scary, uneasy decision. Many times I thought that my life would be so much easier if I just went to university…but one of the most important things that I have learnt is that its not about how easy you can make your life. To challenge yourself, overcome obsticales and get through hard times is what makes a person grow and become an even better person. Because I got out of my comfort zone my life has changed and I have found out what I want to do with my life.
“life is what happens when your sit there making plans.”  Even though I am only 18  I can clearly see that life goes by as fast as a shooting star blazing through the sky. Time does not wait for you to realize that you are alive and that there is so much to see and do…it continues to go by, and every second you waste not making the world a better place, or living life to the fullest is a second wasted. I feel as though sometimes people forget how beautiful life is, which in my opinion is a tragedy in itself. In Africa I met people who literally had nothing…who suffered everyday…and yet they knew what so many people don’t know. They knew that despite how ugly and harsh the world could be there was always still hope and good in this world. Their faith is worth more than anything money could buy.
 If you sit there waiting for life to start its going to slip through your hands. I may just be an idealist but I really believe that if people actually believed in themselves and saw their potential they could do great things. By “great things” I don’t necessarily mean become president or fly to the moon. I believe that every action done with love is great.
I decided to go to Africa to help people…but the reality is that there is people to help everywhere you go. It doesn’t matter where you are…where there are people there is suffering. No matter how small that suffering gives you a chance to help out, and have compassion for another human being. And if you give it a chance you might just find that by giving to others you get back as well.
By the way, I brought back 50 bags for sale to help out Tuleeni orphanage. If you are interested in buying one please let me know! Your contribution no matter how small goes a long way in Africa. Thank you!
“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
- mother teresa

I miss and love all my family and friends back home and I will see everyone in a month! Thanks again for everyones amazing support, I am so blessed to have such loving friends and family in my life. God bless you all!