Monday 7 November 2011

12 days and counting

So I finally finished the orphanage!! What a good feeling. 2 months later and I am finally finished, I was starting to think that I wouldn’t finish in time because I leave in 12 days…insane, it feels like I should have another 2 months left…I guess time fly’s when you are doing what you love to do.

Living the boy in the hospital has been doing so much better. He is in a lot less pain and we were able to get him pain medication and special cream that has been helping! It’s so cute, every time I go visit him his face lights up and he gets so excited! I visit him almost every day and I still cannot get over how overwhelmingly sad and poor that hospital is. There is a little baby boy named Richard who was badly burnt on his face and back so we bought him some cream to help with the pain…we checked on him today and his mother told us that he is doing much better and that the cream has been helping a lot. The thing that really broke my heart was this little 9 year old girl fell into the fire and got 3rd degree burns all over her body…my 2 friends who is a nurse and a doctor helped clean her wounds and redo her dressings..and they told me how she was on no serious pain medication and she felt every bit of pain. They had to clean her burns with normal soap because the mom had no money to pay for the kind that was needed and how in North America someone would be put in an induced coma because it is too painful to handle. But somehow through all her pain she managed to say thank you over and over again to my friends for helping her…through her pain and torture she managed to be grateful and smile.

Quick story about class today. So today in class we had an “all about me” lesson. I got them to draw pictures of them and their family, their favorite animal, things they are good at, things they love…and one of the little boys drew under the things they love section me. “Teacher, look…its you!”  I just about died it was so cute.

So the other day I went to a juvenile detention center to volunteer…which was a very interesting experience. They boys were actually so nice and well behaved and almost seemed like I wasn’t in juvi at all. We watched movies, and helped out with their chores and hung out for a while. They have to make their own food…and the government often times forgets to fund them on food…so sometimes they skip meals or don’t get enough but once again I was blown away by these peoples generosity. A boy spoon fed me rice which was their lunch and wouldn’t let us say no to the food. Honestly though hearing these boys stories was really hard. A lot of them were in there for really unfair reasons like running away from school, talking back to an aunt, or even homosexual actions. One of the boys was framed by an uncle and was able to leave but his mom told to warden she did not want him to come home and to let him stay in there.

Ok last thing…I went to church on Sunday and it was a crazy loud music, crazy dancing, passionate preaching, service. Legit, its exactly how you see it in the movies. And I saw some possessed people, or at least that’s what it looked like. They were flailing around and going crazy! One of them was tied up…really wasn’t to sure what to think of it.

Ok, that’s all for now is absolutely crazy that I am coming home so soon! Its going to go by so fast!

Love you all!



  1. SO SOON!!!!

    That is too cute about the boy that drew you :) ... and yet I am not surprised!

    Love you lots!

  2. Awwwwhhh!! Mon mon! you went to a black church! hahahha. and they werent posessed...i think. they were overcome by the holy spirit :P. miss u lots!
