Thursday, 25 August 2011

Leaving in 5 hours and 28 minutes!

Hello everyone bored enough to read this blog!

First I would like to address how weird the word blog is! Blog..what is that?

But seriously. I am over tired and unable to sleep due to a fun mixture of excitement and nervousness! It hasn't really hit me that in 6 short hours I will be taking an over 24 hour flight to Tanzania all by myself.

Doing mission work in a third world country has been a dream of mine ever since I was a kid and thanks to all my incredible friends, family and supporters my dream is finally coming true! It is mind blowing the amount of support, kindness and love I have gotten from everyone I have told about my mission! Yay for beautiful people!

For those of you who don't know much about my trip, I will fill you in! I will be in Tanzania for a little more than 3 months working with children and infants! I will be teaching them English, sports and different skills and activities. Fun stuff right?

I will hopefully have internet up there once in awhile so i can continue to update my blog..hopefully at least a couple people are reading this..if not that would just be sad!

Ok I should probably go to bed...I have a fun day filled with airplane transfers and sad goodbyes ahead of me! But really, I am excited for all that stuff! Its all part of the experience.

Sometimes people need to get thrown out of their comfort zones. That's when you truly grow.

Love you all! Next time I post I will be in Tanzania...woah. craazzyyy. Here I come giraffes and lovely people who don't speak English!

1 comment:

  1. hey its kailey and i hope your having an AMAZING time up there. miss you at work! but i know your doing something incredible so cant complain. :) be safe
