Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Reasons why I can't stop smiling.

Ever since I got to Africa I have been so happy. Of course there has been some days where I really felt so heart broken because of some of the hardships i see people going through on a regular basis..but the joy i see these people have is so special and the hope that I have in my heart for a brighter future for these people fills me with peace.

reasons why I am so happy (there are so many i thought making a list would be easier.)
-I am in Africa. :P
-The new friends i have made
-Everyday is a new adventure
-I love how everyone is so grateful for what they have
-people are so kind and friendly
-I haven't had to eat fish once
-I was able to have a warm shower today
-I haven't caught malaria.
-I am constantly around people who have the same passions as me
-the kids are ridiculously amazingly adorable (i think im going to adopt them all)
-Im constantly learning new things
-I always have an opprotunity to help people
-the weather is perfect
-I had grilled cheese for lunch today.
-nothing makes me happier than helping someone.
-the fact that i could write tons more.

I could go on but I never get much time on the computer. Really quick i will tell you about my last 2 days. Yesterday was great! I learnt how to make a batic painting...which is so amazing. I made one (with some help) and it actually didnt turn out that bad! In the evening we learnt traditional african dance...which was super always down for a dance party.
Today was great though! at my placement I got strips of paper and got the children to draw what they wanted to be when they grew up...from soccer players, to a stay at home mom..I realized that these kids had big dreams just like me...these kids are all so inspiring. After they were done i make them into links to make a paper chain for classroom decoration...the teacher was fascinated by the concept :P
ok, I gotta get off the computer..ive been on too long as it is!




  1. make my heart sing:)
    It is actually a huge deal every time we hear from you. Thank God for computer and blogging! This a.m. dad & I went to mass and met up with a new friend, an elderly British man who's only been in Ottawa for a yr. We took him out for coffee (Lorie and Lea joined us too) @ Timmy's. He told us that his wife died 2 yrs., 29 mos. and 5 days:( How sad is that?! He has the saddest pair of blue eyes. Anyways, when we spoke about you and your blogging, he asked us what a blog is. Lorie told him it's a type of journaling but on the computer. Dad told him that it's like writing a letter but instead of writing multiple ones, u only write one for anyone who cares to see what you've been up to. I realize that we have to be sensitive to people who might not have any familiarity w/ new technology.
    Monka, I wouldn't know what makes you happy these days (altho' i know they are simple pleasures, like having a grilled cheese, being able to help someone...etc.) so i truly appreciate your blog. Keep 'em coming girl.
    BTW, have you been taking your anti malaria pills? make sure you do k:)Did u have to take the altitude pill when u climbed Mt. Kili over the w/end?
    Last night we went to the CCO Staff/Students commissioning mass celebrated by Archbishop Terry. Many students came forward for the blessing, including Joshua. He agreed to lead another Bible study at Carleton Univ.
    K I have to get going as i still have to prepare my notes for my Cursillo meeting tonight. Yes, I'm on team as the professor. Pls pray for us as we prepare for our Cursillo weekend (end of Oct.)
    Before I go, I thought I'd share with you the Gospel for today; it reminds me of you and the people you are serving in Africa.
    Luke 6:20-26 where Jesus said, "Blessed are you who are poor for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. Blessed are you when people laugh at you, and when they exclude you, and defame you on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, for surely your reward is great in heaven."
    I hope that you will always find peace, hope and consolation from this scripture esp. as you see many a suffering there. I always thank God for your heart, for your passion to help those in need. May God Bless you & strengthen you always.
    Love and hugs.....k kisses too.....momsie:)

  2. Hey Monica

    You are so vibrant and alive...even from thousands of miles away I can see your smile from here! I'm sure the children are already feeling blessed by your presence..And I'm certain you've already made an indelible impression on the African friends you've met (and those you are still destined to meet)! God Bless you in this exciting adventure He has lead you to.
    Love from the Millan Clan <><
