Wednesday 2 November 2011

If you can't feed one thousand people just feed one.

It is extremely hard for me to believe that I  have almost been in Tanzania for 2 and a half months. After all that I have seen and done you would think that things wouldn't have gone by so fast...but sadly it almost feels like I got to Tanzania just yesterday...and now I am leaving in a 3 weeks time. As things slowly start to come to a close..I can already feel the sadness of leaving Africa, but I have decided to just end off on the most positive note I am now busy at work with everything I have started..praying that I get everything done.

The past couple of days have been really hard. On Monday The little boy who had the really had burns got surgery. Now let me try and enlighten you all about how seriously awful the health care is here. Firstly He was scheduled to have his surgery last Thursday but when we took him to the hospital the doctor told us to come back on Sunday...(this was after waiting 6 hours) So we bring him back on Sunday and after waiting almost 7 hours he finally gets admitted into the ward. Now this ward to put it lightly smells like death and pee..its hallways are lined with cots that have people who are so sick they are slowly dying...seriously, the amount of helplessness i felt in that moment crippled me. Poor Living (the boy) might have to stay in that awful place for over a month. I visited him yesterday and he was in so much pain..he is the toughest kid in my class...and as much as he tried to hide it...i saw countless silent tears welling up in his eyes and rolling down his cheek. He attempted a smile and greeting through his pain when I got there but I could tell instantly that he was suffering. My class made a bunch of get well soon cards for him which he really loved...and we brought him a bunch of books and other things...but to see him suffer like that broke something inside of me..We tried to talk to the nurse about getting proper pain medication and she refused...even though he wasn't getting what he needed in the least bit...even when we offered money she refused. Today I am going to visit him again...we are bringing him food, pain medication, and other things to try and help him, Hopefully he is doing better than yesterday..please keep him in your prayers! To lighten the mood...something that really touched me was that before his surgery I gave him a rosary and when i came to visit him all he had one was the rosary.

Ok...I need a story to lighten the mood. Here is something really cool. So A little boy at my placement had no shoes and was trying to walk home...but the ground was so he was crying as he tried to walk home..So i picked him up and carried him all the way home (which is really out of the was from my I got alittle lost) ...So I got to meet his whole family which was cool...but then this little girl named Recho wanted me to walk her I walked her all the way home...and got to meet most of her family! She has 7 siblings! ...Now this family is extremely poor that Recho is unable to pay the school fees to come to school. But without even hesitating Rechos father gave me a soda and crackers..So small to some people...but to a lot of the people in Africa its a big deal...They sat me down and even though we didn't speak the same language I felt a connection between they are able to love someone that was a complete stranger blows my mind. They invited me back on Friday so I will be able to spend more time with the family!

The bag project is taking off...the girls are so excited about it...and I am too! I have seen some of the bags that they have completely made by hand and they look great!

The last couple of weeks I have been really overwhelmed with all the suffering that is going on around me...I am finding it really hard not to let it affect my day to day activities...whats even harder was accepting that I cannot help everyone...but I am learning the hard way that its not about how much you do but how you do it. Maybe i cannot change the world...but at least i can try and change someones world.

Ok thats all the time I have left...I will try and blog again soon to keep you updated on Living

Stay classy~

Monica !


  1. Monica, don't get discouraged. I can tell that already you have changed the lives of so many people in that community. I can just imagine that your joy and positive energy is uplifting and creating such good change for the people there.
    Not to mention that by doing what you're doing I'm sure you've inspired, and continue to inspire, many people to make a difference as well. In that way, your actions continue to change the world even if you're not directly doing it.

    I also can't believe you've been there for two and a half months.. Crazy.
    Much love and prayers,
    <3 <3 Veronica

  2. My Monsie, I can tell from your voice yesterday that you were down. You have done so much in so little time and you are amazingly strong for persevering to continue with your mission despite not feeling 100%. God has truly made His voice audible to you and inspired you to answer His call. You didn't know exactly what that call meant but you are experiencing first hand what it is like to be the hands, the heart, the eyes, the ears and the feet of Christ. If you are getting the least bit burdened by all the sufferings that you are witnessing there, remind yourself that you have been chosen by God to do His work and you are making a huge difference in someone's life; one person at a time sweetie. If the weight gets to be too heavy, bring it to the foot of His cross and ask him to fill your heart with some more of His peace, love and joy so that you can effectively carry out the mission that he called you to do. He will never give you anything you can't handle; I really believe that. Know that there are lots of people praying for you and the people you encounter. I truly hope that Living (what a name!) will be well soon. We offered prayers for his speedy recovery. May God Bless you, keep you safe and hold you close to His Sacred Heart. I love you babe and I'm so proud of you for your selflessness and your tender heart.
    In the meantime, please take care and be good to yourself.....xoxoxo momsie
